Archive for augusti, 2017


There is things you have done in the past that makes you feel regret. But that is a part of growing up. Another feeling you often have is that you realise that you could always be a better person. I always thought that I had reach my maximum when it came to being a better […]

Published in: 3. Lilla fröken osynlig, 5. Sammanfattningarna on 16 augusti, 2017 at11:17 Kommentarer inaktiverade för LTeng3


UPeng2 I had been out off work for sometime, almost six months. I had went to Belfast and come home from Belfast. I had been going to my therapy on and off.  It became clear that being home made me even sicker than I was. I had no routines, and in the weeks I did […]

Published in: 3. Lilla fröken osynlig on 8 augusti, 2017 at12:50 Kommentarer inaktiverade för UPeng2
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The new ones… past and present

Some are from the old list. But it has been a few new people that have crossed my way during this last year. This is some from the past and more from the present, but just a presentation.   One of them is my self. I wrote this story, I started writing it when I […]

Published in: 3. Lilla fröken osynlig, 4. Demonerna, 6. Förälskelser on 7 augusti, 2017 at21:07 Kommentarer inaktiverade för The new ones… past and present
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A new begining

This blog has been of for a long time. I only have one explanation, writer’ s cramp. It has been really bad, but now I will try to make for time lost. I have also seen that most of you readers come from outside of Sweden, so from now on all the posts will be […]

Published in: 1. Vem? Vad? Varför?, 2. Inledning, 3. Lilla fröken osynlig, 4. Demonerna, 7. Political Junkie on at18:22 Kommentarer inaktiverade för A new begining
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